Hollywood Outlaw Movie

Hollywood Outlaw, The Unmaking of a Bitter Jester is the directors cut of the controversial documentary Bitter Jester which was buried in 2004 amidst much scandal, never to be seen again. Directed by, written by, and starring Maija DiGiorgio, this film follows her through the construction and subsequent deconstruction of Bitter Jester, including all of the footage that sparked the scandal leading to blackmail and censorship.

In spite of this apparent direct path to success, Di Giorgio soon discovers that she does not fit the mold that Hollywood wants to place her in and she finds herself at a creative and personal cross road of being true to herself or being pigeon holed by an industry that tries to tell her who she is and who she should be. A major Hollywood executive tells her I get you youre a young kid raised in the ghetto, you have a fire in your belly from all the hard times you have seen, when in fact Maija went to boarding school in Greenwich Connecticut. The only ghetto Maija had ever seen was watching repeats of GoodTimes. Maija chooses to walk away from it all and start over.In a desperate attempt to salvage both career and sanity, Maija sets out to show the world just how twisted and masochistic her world of standup comedy really is. Maija who asks her soon to be boyfriend, Kenny Simmons who is determined to help Maija but also see himself back in a producer position, and he immediately begins to line up huge star talent and takes claim to the credits of producer, by his none stop attack on getting talent. ........

Source: Wikipedia